
Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 in Review

Wow. 2012 was some year. 
But 2013 will be better.

But before the year officially ends, it's time for a recap. I know Facebook recapped my top 20 moments, but here are my top moments:

#1: Starting the year off with a bang, Eric and I got into a car accident in Seattle. This meant an insurance case, finally settled before the close of the year. 

#2: My Bachelorette Party! 
This event sticks out because there isn't many times that I get to spend with these ladies who all came out for my big day. 

#3: Our Wedding. 
Need I say more? 

#4: Buying our first home. 

#5: Honeymooning in Vegas
We might never go again, but it was a trip to remember. 

#6: Bringing Home our First Puppy.
Meet  baby Caper!

#7: In exchange for a puppy, Eric got a motorcycle. 

#8: one of my favorite trips, away from technology and out in the 'wildernes' with our puppy
Trip to plato Lake

#9 Adding Daisy to our Family
She came to us from the SPCA and our family has never been better. 

#10 Starting my Vulvodynia Treatments
7 trips to Vancouver.
An army of books.
And finally getting the pieces together to feeling better. 

 #11 My close friend Dyan FINALLY married the love of her life, Tristan

#12: I learned to ski. For the very first time. 

Sunday, 30 December 2012

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

1. What is the best New Years Eve you've ever had?
Ringing in 2011 was a pretty good one.

NYE was more fun with my friends from high school.
since we've all moved apart its become a little over rated.

2. Are you doing anything for NYE this year and if so what?
Doesn't look like. 
Looks like I'll be spending the night cuddled up on the couch watching netflix, eating chicken noodle soup, sucking on halls, and praying that I get better. 
Like last year, there is a 90% chance I'll be without husband for the night. 

3. Name a book we should all read come January?
I started last year off with "The Happiness Project"
and would agree that one should do the same. 

4. What are your new years resolutions?
i think that'll wait till tomorrow. 

Saturday, 29 December 2012

Black & White Sunday.12.30

A Black & White Puppy Christmas Re-cap. Meet Caper's favorite spot at my inlaw

checking out some cool camera features

Friday, 28 December 2012

Bucket List Check

accomplished something on my "bucket list"

--- learned to ski ---

it was epic. it was a fun.
Thanks Phil &  Ashley for taking me along!
I am in lots of pain, no worries.
Definitely going to beg hubby to take me to the little hill in town.

In othernews, hubby was harrassing me about my bucket list.
For the New Year, I'm going to recreate a bucket list. I might even frame it.
I'll even write it down!

Seriously. just googled bucketlist looking for a pic for this post --- there's a website to log!

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Wordless Wednesday

A simple post to tie off the week. Alright, of all the pictures, I choose this horrible one.

Monday, 24 December 2012

Letters to Santa

Tales and Tails have written letters to Santa from their dogs... I know it sounds silly, but it kind of sounds fun. Just like how i really wish I had taken them for photos with Santa.

Here's one from Daisy.

Dear Santa,

I hope you can find me. I've switched homes from last year, but I'm so very happy at my new home, with my new mom and dad, and even with my obnoxious little brother. I've been a very good girl this. I never get in trouble, and I always come when called. I know there have been a few times I got lost, and a few times I had accidents in the house, but I know my way home, and the vet fixed my leaky bladder.

For Christmas, I want you to bring Caper his own bed. I really don't like sharing the one brown bed we have. He sometimes thinks it's his, but it's really mine. But aside from that, I dont need anything. I don't really like toys and I really don't want any toothbrushes, though I do know that mom and dad would like that very much!

Anyways, I'll try not to wake mom and dad with my barking when you come to visit. Though you'll need to be super quiet and come in when I can't see or hear you.

Always good,
Miss. Daisy.

Here's one from Caper

Dear Santa,

It's my first Christmas. Mom keeps talking about presents and people, and the house looks totally different now. I think I've been nice, but I might have been more naughty. It's not my fault! I'm still a puppy and I'm still learning. I love chewing on things, so for Christmas can you bring me some more toys, maybe some with out stuffing, since mom and dad get angry when the stuffing is sprayled across the floor of the living room. I love the squeakiest ones possible please!

Also, I'm thinking that the best Christmas gift would be training lessons. I don't come when called, and I 'm not very well behaved. Daisy could also use some work and thne mom and dad would love us more.

Let Mrs. Claus know that I don't need any clothes. My poodle coat is warm enough, and I dont want to look ridiculous. how am I supposed to get the ladies?

Thanks! I'll try to be better, and stop chewing and eating on everything.

Saturday, 22 December 2012

Friday, 21 December 2012

Friday Letters & A Puppy Dog Visit


Dear Time: Holy shit where did the time go? It's almost Christmas

Dear Rosy: Thanks for visiting your cousins last night, I'm sorry Caper and Daisy didn't take to liking you. But maybe another time. They just wanted to lie around after their stressful day at the groomers. Maybe if you had slowed down, and them sniff you and do the doggy greet they wouldn't have spent the entire hour growling at you while you ran around the house like a crazy person. 

Dear Caper:  I love how poodle-like you look after a hair cut.

Dear Husband: If you botch my stocking, so help me god!

Dear Retail: Please be gentle, I know we are going into the busiest weekend of the year, and my store is closing, but let's be gentle. I  want to be successful and kick some ass. 

Dear Husband and Snow: Was it really worth it to bend/break the screen in the spare bedroom so we could spend ten minutes laughing about pushing the snow off the roof and falling to the ground? Ithink come summertime we will regret this! 

Thursday, 20 December 2012

Christmas Photos

With Christmas now looming, Eric and I took advantage of our decorated tree/house and our nice outfits (for a friends wedding) and attempted to use our timer to take some family photos. 
If only it was easy to get the dogs cooperating! 

"The Girls"

"The Boys"

Christmas love. :) 

Eric played around with our Sony Nex5R and figured out how to use the applications to hook it up to our phones so we can use our phones to set off the timer.

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

An Impulse Decision - Pink Hair

it's alittle faded by a week of wear. I like the faded better 
Sometimes when we are in the drug store we stop and make an impulse purchase. That's just what I did. I impulse bought a can of punky colour flamingo pink hair colour! :O

Oh my. I made a mess in my bathroom! I put it in over a week ago, a few streaks on the underneath. I think it's a little much, especially because it clashes with christmas colours, aka red. 

I'm not sure about it. Usually I wear my hair up at work, which is kind of a fun twist to my ponytail/bun. But I've been wanting to for a while and now that the wedding is over. 

Have you had an impulse purchase this holiday season?

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Monday, 17 December 2012

Christmas Puppy Outfits

In October I talked about dressing up my dogs for Halloween. I never did.
Now it's December. I've been looking for the perfect Christmas outfit for my pups.
After much searching, I found them. They are perfect. I found them at Winners. 

This is how I think Caper feels about his Santa Suit. 

It has a matching hat, but you try getting a dog to wear a hat! I think he hates it because it makes him too warm. He's getting his Christmas hair cut soon. It'll be good. 

Daisy is super sweet in her dress. She loves wearing clothes.
Well, I'm not sure if she LOVES IT. But she definitly doesn't mind it. 

Sunday, 16 December 2012

5 for Five


Alright, I didn't 5 for Five last week. Life is crazy. It's the holiday's.

So, let's try for this week.

My Goals
1.  Finish the Happiness Project(s) - Thanks fellow blogger idea!
2.  Plan what I'm making for Christmas.
3. Wrap Christmas Gifts. Finish Christmas shpping.
4. Walk the dogs.
5. Send out Christmas letters.

That shouldn't be too hard!

Black & White Sunday

My little underbite dog.

First Family Christmas. Love. Lots of love.

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Sunday Social

Sunday Social

ATM I have been angry at blogger and iphoto because neither will sink so uploading photos is a pain in the ass! Ugh!!!!!!!! 
Anyways, I move along. 
This Weeks Questions:
What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?

Lucky me, I tend to have a habit of taking a picture of my home screen!

What do you keep beside your bed?
A disaster. 
There's my boudoir photos, some wedding photos, iphone chargers, books, sometimes the ipad, lotions, knick nacks, it's a misc. vortex, TBH

What is your least favorite chore?
and cleaning the bathroom. 

If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be?
Getting dressed/ready.
I don't so much enjoy putting on a face, doing my hair, and figuring out what to where and how to where it. 
What do you do to vent anger? 
here? to my husband? to my friends.
I don't so get angry as sad.
What is your favorite Holiday of the year and why?
Because it's an entire season, not just a day.
Because I get the day off, and so does everyone else
because you get to eat and forget about diets.
because you get to give and get gifts.
because off eggnog, candycanes, advent calenders, and other food related items. 

Friday, 14 December 2012

World, Whats up?

Seriously? Whats going on world? 18 children from K-grade 4 killed in a shooting in the states. Another shooting at a mall. And I just gave me some super depressing news yesterday. Seriously. It's like 10 days till Christmas. Shoudn't it all be  lovey and dovey and about loving people and giving gifts? Sadness.

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Christmas Tree Time

This past week, Eric and I finally found some time to go get ourselves a Christmas tree.
Myself, I'm used to trees from my grandparents backyard/farm or the Christmas tree farm. We usually get beautiful trees. Eric's parents have a fake tree. 

So, Eric being the adventurer he is decided we should go cut one down. 
According to the Forest Ministry in Prince George, you can download this permit and cut down a tree on crown land, usually along highways and power lines. So that's what we did. 
We found an area. Found a tree. And cut it down. It was pretty massively tall. 
Eric with our puppies and the tree, and maybe a saw
Once we got the tree into the garage, Eric cut a good two feet off and we hauled it upstairs.
Apparently that wasn't enough, so the tree had to be shortened. A task dreaded by my husband.
It's not like we don't have a vacumn and can't vacumn up everything.

then the tree was up and in place. For some reason there are no pictures of it up. I'll guess that'll have to wait. I decorated the tree a few days later... more on that :)

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

5 for Five Follow up

I'm just going to be honest --- this week, I'm not going to get anything accomplished, so why bother setting some goals? Tomorrow is Dyan's wedding and then it's work, work work.... and people are shopping so retail is hectic. But let's catch up on last week, why not?


1. Place Photo order with the wedding photography.

2. Laundry - say again, I know~
Accomplished. If Eric would put it away!

3. Find a therapist - for Vulvodynia.
The doctor said she'd get back to me.

4. Stick to the budget.
Sort of.

5. Finish one of my books.
Yes! Finished the Mindy Project

In other news, I finished a goal from a few weeks ago! Check it! Finally got my wedding tree framed and up on the wall. Got it framed at Michaels. Cost way more than expected, but I'm happy with it!

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Wedding Mondays

It's been a while since I posted about my wedding! But today's post isn't really about my actually wedding, but a wedding related thing related to Christmas. You follow?

What I want to say is that I bought us an ornament to commemorate our wedding this year! yay! I love.

I love ornaments. I'm an ornament fend. I like to collect them from places and events. Provide they are classy and stylish and everything in between. I think I get this from my mother. So, I knew I needed an ornament that recognized our wedding this year.

I couldn't find any except at the card store. And I hated them all at first. But then I just decided if I didn't buy one now, then I'd never get one. So I bought one. And hung it up on my not decorated tree. I must say its not as ugly on the tree as it was in the store!