Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Winter Wonderland
So, apparently, Saturday's 7.7 Earthquake is still experiencing aftershocks, including at 6.2 last night. Crazy. We are too far away to really feel them, but every now and then somebody on facebook land mentions they felt something. And you go 'holy crap, still!"
Moreover, the snow continues to fall! Seriously.
It's now at about 11-12 inches.
First day of snow. Made the puppies a trail. |
Alright.... and I know that I have been on puppy overload recently, but bare with me!
With it being -20C this morning, I'm extraordinarily grateful that I finished my puppies coats!
They are super cute. And the pattern is unbelievably easy!
Takes like an hour, two tops to finish the coats.
Daisy rocking her new coat. |
Caper's coat. |
I attempted to make them matching booties.
Eric and I just went out and bought them booties.
We struggled with sizes. And ended up with an xxs and itty bitty muttlucks.
So far, puppies haven't really figured it them out.
They look so funny wandering around in them, but once I kicked them outside they understood better.
Trying to get the booties on! |
The look of uncertainty. What am I supposed to do with these things on? |
Anyways, I'm off to catch an airplane to Vancouver!
Time to escape this winterwonderland for the rainy west coast.
british columbia,
dog coats,
haida gwaii,
prince george,
small dogs,
winter wonderland
Monday, 29 October 2012
5 for Five
Last week I stumbled upon this great link up, and I decided this week, I'd join in on the fun!
five things you hope to accomplish in the next five days!
1. spend 30 minutes on my meditation homework from MVP
2. try my physiotherapy homework at least once.
3. Cut back on the calories, and increase the good nutritious food
4. Take the dogs for one walk in the snow!
5. Finish the Dog Seat Cover for the Fitty
5 for five,
weekly goals
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Winter Dog Care????
I was going to wait till another day to post this.
But it snowed like a lot last night.
I feel so underprepared. My dogs coats aren't made.
They don't have booties. And they aren't loving the snow at all!
The snow has fallen.
But it snowed like a lot last night.
I feel so underprepared. My dogs coats aren't made.
They don't have booties. And they aren't loving the snow at all!
The snow has fallen.
Now, how do I take care of my puppies?
The First Thing I've done in prep is taken them to the groomers.
I had their paws trimmed.
From what I hear, I'm going to have to be careful of their paws getting frost bite and ice clumps, and of the deicing chemicals on the roads when I take them for walk.
The Second thing I'm working on is dog jackets.
My boarder suggested coats for when it gets REALLY cold and windy.
At what temperature should my dogs where there coats?
anyone have any advice on winterizing their dogs?
The Third thing I'm thinking about is dog booties.
I've been thinking of making matching ones to their jackets.
Or buying some from Etsy or the Pet Store.
What are your ideas on dog shoes? Do you let your dogs where the shoes?
I'm also seeing some information about balms...
Something like this or this one, Mushers Secret
or maybe homemade recipes like this one
The Fourth thing I'm thinking about is house training.
Daisy already has a disadvantage.
But today, I came home to not one, not two, but 4 puddles on my linoleum.
This is Capers first winter.
Daisy has already expressed disinterest in snow.
Puppy Pads? How can I puppy pad train my puppies?
Check out these Nine Must haves...
And I must remember this post too about small dog care in the winter.
dog booties,
dog clothes,
dog shoes,
house training,
Miss Daisy,
small dogs,
Halloween Sunday Social
1. What was your favorite halloween costume as a kid?(pictures??)Probably when I was Dorothy.Because, I put so much effort into sewing that costume and making my own ruby slippers.
As a young'en, I often went as a witch, or a clown.
Usually, the day before halloween we'd raid the tote of costume material and decide on something.
Unfortunately, there are no pictures.
This is the only one I could find from 11th grade.
I made my princess costume.
Usually, the day before halloween we'd raid the tote of costume material and decide on something.
Unfortunately, there are no pictures.
This is the only one I could find from 11th grade.
I made my princess costume.
2. If you could go back and dress up as something what would it be?
Good Question.
I don't think I have an answer to that.
I don't think I have an answer to that.
3. Favorite costume as an adult?(pictures)
I haven't dressed up for Halloween as an adult :|
I haven't dressed up for Halloween as an adult :|
Why? I dont know. No desire to.
4. Favorite Halloween Candy?
tootsie rolls? tootsie pops?
tootsie rolls? tootsie pops?
Dots! Because in Canada, you can only get those at Halloween!
5. Favorite Halloween Memory?
I can't really remember any Halloween memories.
6. Whats your favorite scary movie?
I don't do scary movies.
I remember watching Elm Street on Elm Street
Though, I believe Halloween isn't Halloween without watching Beetlejuice.
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Prince George is inland. We are almost the centre of British Columbia
We aren't on any fault lines.
They say in the 1980s there was an actual earthquake with a local epicentre.
Today, during my birthday dinner with friends and family, we experienced an earthquake.
It felt like I had had too many to drink.
Or I was motion sick.
It wasn't like any other earthquake.
It was more like swaying.
I grew up in Vancouver, we had different types of earthquakes.
Ones that required you to go under tables and hide in door ways.
It's reported as a 7.1 off the Pacific coast near Haida Gwaii.
haida gwaii,
prince george,
queen charlottes
Playing with Puppies
Yesterday was my Birthday.
I am now officially as old as my husband.
For one month.
I had to work yesterday.
It was scheduled for only 3 hours.
But worked more because my TL had a seizure the night before (sad, she's better) and my ASM now has a broken rib from a fall the day before.
Before work, puppies were dropped off for a grooming appointment. They were then picked up.
When I got home, I wanted to go for a walk and take some pictures with my birthday gift - my new sony nex 5r camera!
So, we loaded up the dogs, I woke up my sleeping husband, and that's what we did.
The fresh snow and decaying leaves are the same colour as my dogs, and we admit, every now and then, it was hard to find them!
ginters field,
hair cut.,
Miss Daisy,
prince george,
small dogs,
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Airplanes ---- And Then Puppy Dog Sphinctors
The other day Single Dad Laughing posted a post about flying.
And while he might not have a preference. I do.
My favorite. Window. There isn't a doubt about it.
I don't have to pee or get up often. And I love having something to lean my head on.
If I'm flying a short haul trip without any baggage. I like to be in the front rows (or the very back if landing into an airport that deboards from both ends). I HATE waiting for people to get off the plane.
Heck, even if it's a long flight. I prefer the front.
The only downside is being crushed into the wall by the people beside you
And when you have to get up --- as a tall person, I ALWAYS hit my head on the light thing.
When I was flying to and from Missouri. For some reason my Dad always booked me in seat 12 or 13 A. Always. Mid plane is okay, but not awesome.
In other news, Daisy went to the Vet today.
We were concerned about her drinking so much water and because I can't seem to 100% house train her. Every now and then we find little tinkles from her around the house.
So, she had blood work and a urine analysis done.
That's right. The worry was her kidneys'.
She's lost a little weight since the last visit, and as a Shih Tzu she is prone.
So, We are going to work on her sphincter because it might be weak. and that's why she makes accidents. So, tomorrow I pick up her hormone treatment.
Not quite sure.
I think I could probably be more diligent in house training.
I could probably do better.
I might be too lazy.
It's getting cold.
Finally relaxed to sit down for a few seconds before being anxious after her tests. |
That's right.
First Snow of the year/Winter.
And it stayed.
house training,
kidney problem,
small dogs,
60 & 1
It's only 60 day's till CHRISTMAS.
No serious. Already started my decorating prep.
It's my first year in my new house.
My first year to figure out my Christmas --- garlands for the mantle, a tree for the living room, lights outside, etcetra....
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Master Bedroom Update
At this very moment, my remote, the tv, and I are in a heated battle. Everytime I try to turn on the cable box, the tv turns off, and vice versa. I'll get it eventually.
Something Cute in our simple bedroom! We might have moved in, but we still need decorations on the wall, and nightstands, and curtains! |
Moving into the Master Bedroom
We’ve been living in our master bedroom for two months now.
For a wedding gift my mom and step dad offered to purchase us a new bed set. And with that we moved into our mast bedroom.
Some context is needed. We moved into our new house knowing we’d need/or get a new bed. So we moved our bed at the time into one of the spare bedrooms. With the though that we wouldn’t have to move beds.
Mid August, we finally broke down and committed to buying a matteress and bed. We bought our matteress at the Brick, and we bought our bed frame from Costco. With a new bed coming into place the rest of the master had to be put into place! (We rented a truck to bring it all home! xp )
Shades of grey for the walls. Three walls are a lighter shade of “Helium” with an accent wall in “Zeplin”.We went with gray because, a while back Eric and I had bought red curtains for the master. Grey goes nicely with red. The curtains aren’t even being used for the windows anymore, but for the closets (because I hate the mirrors that came with).
Bad Blurry Picture of the entire grey |
Painting was a surprising hassle, as I choose the light shade of grey, painted the ENTIRE bedroom and then decided that I HATED it. Husband's answer was an accent wall. It works. I still can't get over that each wall looks like a different shade of grey, which is slightly odd...
Two Tone now. |
In the end, I'm happy.
I just need to do my laundry more often.
Vacumn the Floors.
Order Wedding Pictures
And encourage ourselves to make the bed
Monday, 22 October 2012
Wedding Monday - Things I wanted
The Wonderful World of Etsy - Part 2 - Things I wanted
I stopped by my saved and hearted section of Etsy to discover a few things I wished I had bought, but didn't because of... well, I didn't REALLY NEED it and I really didn't have the resources to need it all.
Love these duck cake toppers! We thought about getting a bride duck, and a groom koala bear.
I stopped by my saved and hearted section of Etsy to discover a few things I wished I had bought, but didn't because of... well, I didn't REALLY NEED it and I really didn't have the resources to need it all.
Love these duck cake toppers! We thought about getting a bride duck, and a groom koala bear.
How can you not. It's absolutely beautiful.
thinking of belts for myself and or my sister.
We ended up making my sister hers and using the strap from the bridal shower.
Photo props. How could you not?
But then we released we eat cupcakes with our fingers not our forks.
It's beautiful.
I wanted it.
Have You Had Your Pap Test?
This week, October 22 - 28th, is Pap Awareness Week which is sponsored by the Lace Campaign. Pap tests go along way in helping you and your doctor know more about your body. They help detect sexually transmitted diseases, and any health problems your cervix or vagina might be suffering from.
As a woman with vulvodynia, I will speak openly about encouraging women to have their pap test, but even more importantly, the need for you to TALK to health care provider. Don't be afraid to admit to any unusual pain or issues with your sexuality. Hopefully your health care provider will be willing and open with you in discussing these issues and addressing any concerns you might have.
Do you need a pap test? When was your last one? How do you know everything is all good down there?
Information from the Lace Campaign:
How often do you need to get screened? From the BC Cancer Agency's Cervical Cancer Screening Program:
Women need to start getting Paps... when they turn 21, or three years after first sexual contact (this includes touching and oral sex, not just intercourse).After your first Pap… get one every year until you have three normal tests. Then, get one every two years.After age 69, you can stop getting Paps if... you’ve had three normal results in a row in the past 10 years, and no history of moderate or severely abnormal Pap tests.
With that said, if you haven't had a pap test and you meet any of the above requirements, or even if you have any sexual concerns regarding your vulva, vagina, or cervix, book an appointment with your local clinic or health provider.
Get your pap test done. It's not that bad.
(just kidding, if you have my condition it's absolutely painful, you'll bawl your eyes out and cry and wish it was all over... but my nurse was sweet and we figured out what was wrong. I wish they could just take a picture!)
Sunday, 21 October 2012
First 2 Pounds
Sunday's have been my traditional weight in days.
Back when I did weight watchers following Christmas 2011 in prep for my wedding,
I choose Sunday.
And now, in doing it myself, I choose Sunday.
Today, I weighed 2 pounds less than last Sunday.
This makes me feel great.
Especially because I cheated.
I ate out, had chocolate cake, and might have splurged on some unnecessary white carbs.
So far, I've been eating big green salads with lots a vegetables and hardboiled eggs. I've been eating more lean meats, less carbs, but still enough that I don't go insane, and drinking green tea and water.
This week, I need to amp up the exercise! More power walking puppy "classes"
Sunday Social
What do you value most in life?
I value love.
I know that sounds cheesy.
There’s nothing I value and appreciate more than
my love for my husband, my family, and puppies
what do you think is the greatest invention in your lifetime and why?
In the past 22 years, I think the greatest invention has been the smart phone?
Isn’t it amazing how they can make a computer so small?
Isn’t it amazing how they have revolutionized the world?
We now think, act and live completely different because of smart phones.
what do you think is the secret to a good life?
What’s the secret to happiness?
The ability to take time for yourself.
To cherish the little things, and to just relax, breathe, and enjoy the simple things.
Don’t get worked up over the little things.
Work through the big things slowly.
Ask for help.
Take care of yourself, but don’t forget about others.
what would you most like to be remembered for when you’re gone?
Achieving my dreams.
I want to be remembered as someone who accomplished what she wanted to do.
I want to be remembered for making strides in the environmental movement either locally or globally. Realistically, it’ll be locally.
What accomplishment in your life are you most proud of?
I’m extremely proud of who I was in High School.
I earned my bronze, and almost Silver Duke of Edinburgh.
I achieved the highest honours in Girl Guides of Canada
I proposed and researched options for a green roof.
I volunteered my ass off.
I was a great person. I was the person I wanted to be. The person, I wish I still was.
I want to still have that passion to volunteer and make a difference.
If a movie was made about your life, who would you want to play you?
Melissa Joan Hart?
She’s kinda short though.
Blake Lively
If she’ wasn’t so drop dead gorgeous
Friday, 19 October 2012
Friday Letters
Dear Self: Take some time for yourself. It's okay. Book yourself a hair appointment.
Dear Caper: Please behave.
Dear Daisy: I wish you could speak. I hope you don't have a UTI or a kidney problem.
Dear Husband: Please try harder.
Dear America: I'm scared for you. Canada is kinda fucked up, but I fear for you more.
Make the right decision. Stop fucking up women's rights. Protect your people, not your corporations Practice good Christian practices - and I'm not even religious.
Dear America: I'm scared for you. Canada is kinda fucked up, but I fear for you more.
Make the right decision. Stop fucking up women's rights. Protect your people, not your corporations Practice good Christian practices - and I'm not even religious.
It was a slow instagram week.
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Vancouver - Trip 5
Return From Vancouver, Trip 5
I now have 2 or 3 more trips to Vancouver left until my time at MVP is done and I have to somehow finish my treatment regime on my own in Prince George.
Today it’s rainy. I have no socks. My feet are cold, and the movies being played on the northern health bus aren’t as good as Tuesday.
But, I had a great time in Vancouver!
First, on Tuesday night, my mommy and I went and saw Pitch Perfect! Loved it! Super sweet movie. I had a good time. I love feel good movies like Pitch Perfect. Originally I had thought it was a new tv show, and I searched on my Telus TV guide for it, but failed. Then one more commercial later, it clicked in and I realized it was a movie!
Second, on Wednesday morning mom and I hit up Ikea!
That’s right, this time I brought the medium size suitcase, instead of the carry on. I packed it half full, and was full fledged ready to pack it full of Vancouver goodies!
So, what did I pick up?
Well, some more drawer organisers, a pan lid organiser, christmas snowflake life, glass jars for sugar, potatoe peelers, another dog tail to hang leashes on, sock drawer organisers, a few more things, and then in the clearance section I found a little kid pop up laundry basket.... More on that later.
I was late, again, for my appointment. I don’t have a good track record at this point.
Physiotherapy. Group Therapy.
Third, I stopped into the Sony store and bought my Birthday gift!
It hasn’t come into store in PG, so I took advantage of PG to get my new camera --- the SONY NEX 5R, as pictured in the previous post. Can’t wait to try out all of the new and cool features. Been playing with it all day.
And then, it’s today, and I’m on my way back home.
And now that I'm home... tensions are high, since house man failed.
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Health Update
Only sort of related to today's post, but I've been meaning to share for a few days!
Doctor Recommended. |
In my last post about Vulvodynia, I talked about how the treatment process was going to unravel. It’s been a few weeks since, and I’m a about to go in for another round of physiotheraphy and cognitive behaviour therapy tomorrow.
So far, it hasn’t been what I’ve expected. Not that I really knew what to expect, but, hey, we all create some sort of idea in my head.
I’ve been bad. I was assigned homework from last time, and... you guessed it, I didn’t really follow through. My trouble was finding time.
On the bus today, I did my worksheets. We had to do a cognitive behavioural square about our thoughts, feelings, behaviours and actions regarding a non sexual activity, a painful sexual activity, and then a painless sexual activity. The last one was the hardest because I just don’t. I don’t know what that would even mean. I also did my other worksheet, but the example they did up in the book pretty much hit the nail on that one.
As to physio. I failed. I tried to consciously think of the things that she told me to do. But I still don’t know where my pelvic floor muscle is.... I can’t seem to separate it from my butt muscle and my stomach muscle (I’m not a doctor, or anyone who knows the names on the muscles, that’s just they way they are too me)
And I completely failed at doing any mindfulness. I just didn’t have the time. That’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it! It is hard to take 10 minutes to myself to do nothing--- not when I have so much going on, and sometimes, I just want to ‘relax’ my way.
I guess I could practice it right now on the bus... failed.
..... I have been able to wear jeans more often in better news!
Monday, 15 October 2012
Wedding Monday's
The Wonderful World of Etsy - Part 1 - The Women.
My wedding was largely decorated thanks to my online shopping addiction on Etsy
(come on, admit it, you love Etsy too)
Item #1
I bought these from MyAmberColouredWorld.
I loved them. They were beautiful, and I mostly bought these because I wanted beautiful pictures. I don't actually know where mine is at the moment.
I hope that my sister is using hers... I just loved the idea.
The pinterest/etsy world tugged me, I couldn't resist.
One for Me. |
One for My sister |
Item #2
My sister's necklace.
This is one of my favorite goofy shots from a friend.
The necklace is from AnnsCrafts.
I didn't want to buy her pearls. But I wanted something cute that would go with my pearls.
Item #3
This one freaked me out, because it was coming way too close to the wedding and they still hadn't come. I also hoped they'd come before my boudoir shoot, but alas, that failed!
NanaRoseDesigns did an amazing job.
Unfortunately, I did not wear them on the wedding, they kept sliding down, or just being all too uncomfortable. I think that's how garters work though.
Item #4
Hair Flowers
I bought lots of hair flowers! And finally settled on this one. I wasn't sure on what way I would go with colours. I went with soft pink, and opted out of giving some to Moriah.
They are absolutely stunning. And I LOVED LOVED LOVED them.
I should actually find them and wear them more often.
These are from SunnyApril's Shop
![]() |
The three styles I ordered |
![]() |
Mock Do of my hair with the flower I choose. |
How have you caved to the world of Etsy?
great things of my wedding,
Wedding Monday
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