
Monday, 6 August 2012


Perhaps I will share more than one of my recipes with you tonight. For the most part, they all turned out great.

The first, is a recipe for Pavlova.

If you don't know this about me, you now do - I LOVE PAVLOVA. It's sweet, fluffy, light and has sugar, whipped cream, and fresh fruit. These elements are the best part about dessert. If only it was chocolate --- which, would be a great idea! I'll have to try to make a chocolate pavlova.

Now, Pavlova is one of those recipes that I have struggled with, and tonight I found a recipe that really makes it simple. I've had many flops, and gone through more egg whites than I'd like to admit (luckily, egg whites come in a can, and I didn't have to separate eggs). The recipe I found today describes the trick to the process.


That's right, start at slow, and gradually move to high. It was amazing. My eggs fluffed right out.

I'm not sure if THIS RECIPE was my favorite, nor did it really bake as well as I wanted, but it has great instructions which can be applied to any other pavlova recipe. I think my favorite is in the cookbook I can't find.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a my phone when I finished and served up this delicious dish with whipped cream and blueberries.  So no pictures, but here's some from the beginning of the process. I made individual ones instead of a big one so they'll keep better. My dad says I can freeze them, I'll try it...

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