
Monday, 10 September 2012

Wedding Monday - Scrabble

Some of those wonderful ideas found throughout
the vortex on the interwebs/pinterest
I planned my wedding with pinterest at my side. DH and I might not be the scrabble enthusiasts that others are, but we do enjoy a quiet game every now and then (I win, he looses, that's because my Grandma taught me well). We were having a mid day lunch wedding with the option of board games instead the traditional 'dancing' (DH does NOT dance).

So, with the following inspirations in mind, we went forward to create our own scrabble inspired wedding.

Table numbers were replaced with table letters and place cards received their own specialized scrabble letter magnet to find their sets.

For our tiles, I had my DH but out squares out of a plank of maple wood, then with stencils we carefully hand painted the letters. With 8 tables we had to choose a 8 letters --- naturally we choose our new last name - Bouwman, with table 8 being the blank tile, and we had the letters B & E.

As for our placecards you can bulk order scrabble tiles for an affordable price (I know have a massive quantity of scrabble letters. everything but b-o-u-w-m-a-n) and then glued magnets to them. The hardest part was matching up all the tiles to the place cards! Ah and then making them stay. I wonder what have been a better idea?

Crafting all the time in our little basement suite......

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