
Saturday, 5 January 2013

A Recent Read - Mindy Kaling

Mindy Kaling. Star of "The Mindy Project." And an actor who I find obnoxious. Yet, I can't help but love her. For some reason, her book "Is Everyone Hanging out Without Me?" came up on the television the other day, and because I have an hour lunch, I stopped by the mall book store and after much searching finally found it and brought it home. 

I'm not a book reviewer. But I actually enjoyed this book.
I much enjoy these types of book.
It was a fun quick read! I laughed. I smiled. I might have even cried.
I love books that bring out emotions.
I need to read more books. 

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a fun book - love books that bring up emotions :)

    Just found your blog on the blog hop - excited to read more! Now following you via GFC :)


