
Thursday, 7 February 2013

What we didn't like about Cuba

In no particular order, I now present part two of this series, things we don't like about Cuba

1. That we couldn't ride this the Hershey Train 
There were a variety of variables that influenced this. 
a) we just didn't have the time.
b) the locals discouraged it, including our tour guide -- we didn't like this. 
c) the train was not working because of rail damage. 

 2. Our hotel. the Blua Varadero.
Purely because Eric and I love quiet on our vacation and this atrium allowed for noise to radiate. Even as we moved from the 1st to the 12th floor, the noise was still OBNOXIOUS. 

3. Spending days on the beach. 
A morning was cool. An afternoon was relaxing. 
But, I could never do it day after day. 

4. The pushyness of vendors. 
And to top it off Eric got hussled a few times....
 once he spent 20 pesos on two pictures from an artist on the street who drew them and called himself picaso junior. 

 5. This isn't a good picture  of what I want to convey.
But when we went to the Bay of Pigs we passed through some parts of Cuba that were so poor. 
I felt guilty living like a king in a country where some people have so little. 
I know that's the case in Canada too, but there's a difference. 

6. Wanting to know more. 
This is a picture of the abandoned highschools in the orange fields in the Matenzas province.

7. Food.
Eric and I are foodies. 

8. Wine.
Don't expect to get good wine either.

9. Tipping. 
It's a little ridiculous. especially in bathrooms. 

10. Not knowing Spanish. 

11. The division between local culture and tourist culture.
This isn't a country you can really get to know about how the locals live. 


  1. Visiting via the followers become friends blog hop, following on GFC, see you back at my blog :)

  2. I've heard that the food in Cuba isn't the greatest. For my first sunny vacation, I opted for Mexico and the food was great.

    They ask for a lot of tips in Mexico, too. I also got heckled a lot for being Asian :S

    1. We might consider Mexico next time.
      My hubby and I love food so much. We think we will probably just adapt a snow birding habit, maybe hit up the Southern United States, I hear they get sun during the winter. :)
